Description of Volunteer Positions

There are a wide range of opportunities that can apply to your volunteer opportunities, and these are listed below. While most of these are at a ski race and usually outdoors -- since the focus of our volunteer program is to enable us to host races -- there are a handful of non-race positions as well. (Note that we will occasionally ask for help with special projects which are outside of the volunteer commitment such as fall work parties to get our on-hill facilities ready for the upcoming season.) 

The options for fulfilling your volunteer commitment are described below and grouped into six sections:

  1. Race Volunteers: all the positions needed to put on a race.  Each race requires 40 to 50 volunteers to put on.
  2. Race Organizing Committee: These 9 positions are assigned to people with specific qualifications.  If you are interested in learning more about position and qualifications please contact April Kerslake. 
  3. Special Events and Programs: In addition to needing volunteers for races we need volunteers to assist with additional events put on throughout the year.
  4. Parent Representative: Parent communications within each race program is critical to its success.  These positions provide families within a given program a parent contact to connect with to get questions answered, offer up feedback, voice concerns.
  5. Volunteer Training: there are some opportunities to train for critical volunteer positions and this can count toward your volunteer requirements. 
  6. Board of Directors: service on the CMAC Board of Directors is critical, but is not counted toward the volunteer commitment. 

Click here to view races and get you signed up! Details on how to use the volunteer site are here and in the video below.
Important note: you need to create an account at the ShredReg volunteer site. Your CMAC account used for registration is not shared with ShredReg. 

Already volunteered? Check out the sign up list here

Race Volunteer Lift tickets for Non-Season pass holders. 

For race volunteers who do not hold a Crystal Season Pass and are working positions that require you to be “on the hill” during the race, you will received a lift ticket so that you can fulfill your duties on race day and a lift ticket voucher.  Lift tickets will be provided to you when you check in the morning of the race.  Lift ticket vouchers are provided to you at the end of the race day, once you have completed your volunteer duties.  Vouchers are transferable so you can give your vouchers to family or friends.  The one exception is the Sally McNabb Race: no lift tickets or vouchers are provided to volunteers at this race. 

Volunteer positions

Note: each position description includes information about the amount of Volunteer Credit you will receive for a given position (1/4 Day, Full Day, Full Season). 


1. Race Volunteers

Course Maintenance Crew members

Volunteer Credit: Full Day

The Course Maintenance Crewmembers must have either experience in the ski racing arena or have completed Course Maintenance Training. You will be expected to check in with the Race Registration Coordinator at 7:00am to help with race arena set up.  This may include putting up fences, transporting gates, rakes, shovels, salt bags, drills, etc.  At the end of the race day you are expected to remain and help with race arena take down.

Gate Judges

Volunteer Credit: Full Day

The Gate Judge is responsible for watching every racer complete an assigned number of Gates.  When a racer misses one of those gates, the Gate Judge is required to note the skier who missed the gate and draw a simple diagram of what happened.  The morning of the race, all Gate Judges must attend the Gate Judges meeting at 8:15 which is led by the Chief Gate Judge (this meeting will give confidence to new gate judges and allow the Chief to have an accurate count to assure gate coverage).  Gate Judges are assigned to work a full day.  They will have a short break between the first and second runs of the race.

Watch the new U.S. Ski & Snowboard Gate Judge Training Video (and here are the older videos too Part 1 and Part 2.)

Bib Collector and Washer

Volunteer Credit: Full Day

The Bib collector needs to be at the finish after the first and second runs on the last run/race day.  The Bib collector also needs to coordinate the collection of bibs left at the finish by racers competing in the first day only.  Bib Collector then takes bibs home, washes them, stacks them in numerical order, returns them to the CMAC Shack before the next race and lets the Race Administrator know which numbers are missing.

Ticket Sales

Volunteer Credit: 1/2 Day

This position involves selling racers lift tickets the morning of a race.  Ticket Sales people need to be at the lodge by 7:30am on race days.

Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer Credit: Full Season

The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for managing the Volunteer signup process.  This position requires him/her to be available for questions regarding the volunteer positions and or the fulfillment requirements.  Prior to each race the Coordinator shall contact all the volunteers for the race and make appropriate adjustments to cover any shortages.  The Volunteer Coordinator may also be responsible for Race Registration duties and other volunteer positions as deemed necessary. 

Race Registration Coordinator

Volunteer Credit: Full Day

This individual is responsible for the registration area.  He/she will set up the tables to prepare for registration and will clean them after registration.  The Race Registration Coordinator will manage the Day of Race Volunteer signup process.  He/she is responsible for signing in volunteers and providing volunteers with race day information on where and when volunteers need to be in certain locations.  This person is also responsible for giving out day of race lift tickets to individuals who need them and turning in the leftover ticket money.


Volunteer Credit: 1/2 Day

This position is responsible for checking in racers on the first race day.  Registration people pass out Bibs and ensure all necessary fees have been paid by racers. Typically there are 4 Volunteers - 2 for checking in Men and 2 for checking in Women.


Volunteer Credit: Full Day

The Starter is at the Start of the race and is responsible for giving the countdown or signal for each racer to start his/her race.  Also, can be used to train people interested in licensed jobs.

Assistant Starter

Volunteer Credit: Full Day

The assistant starter call the competitors to the start in their start order and assists in getting the racers lined up and into the start area.

Hand Timekeepers

Volunteer Credit: Full Day

These individuals, two at the start and two at the finish, use a stopwatch and clipboard to hand record all the starts/finishes for use in case of an electrical timing malfunction.  Please note that you will need to be able to press a small button on the timer - so it is recommended that you have tight fitting gloves to ensure easy access to the timing button.

Assistant Timers

Volunteer Credit: Full Day

These individuals (preferably two) are necessary to assist the Chief of Timing in handling the electronic equipment in the finish shack. 

Public Address Operator

Volunteer Credit: Full Day

This person announces the racers' names and times as they cross the finish.  In addition, they make "thank you announcements" recognizing our Sponsors. This person stays in the finish shack.

Scoreboard Writer and Runner

Volunteer Credit: Full Day

The Writer stands at the scoreboard near the finish and records each racer's time as the PA Operator announces it.  The scoreboard writer is also responsible for mounting the score sheets and writing in all racer names.  The scoreboard runner will assist in ensuring the times are properly recorded and, if necessary, run to the finish shack to confirm times and/or locate missing times.

Midway Clearers

Volunteer Credit: Full Day

Midway Clearers are needed for races on Stump Farm, Bull Run, and GS races on Gold Hill.  These individuals will have radios and will be in contact with the starter to let him/her know when each racer has passed by their position.

Hot Chocolate delivery

Volunteer Credit: Full Day

This individual is responsible for picking up the hot chocolate carafe and cups at the designated location prior to each run of the race.  He/she will deliver hot chocolate to the volunteers on the race course throughout the entire race. This may require returning to the lodge to refill the carafe as needed.  This position will involve several chairlift rides. 

Lunch Maker

Volunteer Credit: Full Day

This job involved buying the makings for approximately 45 lunches, making the lunches and delivering them to the lodge the morning of the race.  Receipts for your expenses are submitted to the CMAC treasurer using Ramp (see instructions).

Banner Organizer

Volunteer Credit: 1/2 Day

This job involves picking up the race sponsor’s and CMAC banners from the registration desk, taking them up to the race hill and hanging them at the start and finish or at the end of the race taking down the banners and returning them to the Finish Shack.

Race Administrator Volunteer Credit: Full Season The Race Admin establishes the race season by registering each race with U.S. Ski & Snowboard in the Fall. They write the race announcements and set up the registration website for each race. They communicate with the mountain re the race, acquires rooms for the TD (Technical Delegates) reserve space in the lodge for registration and order lift tickets to be sold to racers. They pre-fill out all of the U.S. Ski & Snowboard paperwork for the races. They verify we have all the necessary officials and that they have proper U.S. Ski & Snowboard licenses. (More details of this position's roles and responsibilities are in this doc.)
Shack Manager
Volunteer Credit: Full Season

The Shack Manager is responsible for stocking the shack with all needed supplies. On race day, they ensure that the 16 volunteer packets (gate judges and officials packets) are filled for each race day. They empty and refill the 16 volunteer packets for the next race and clean shack after race. (More details of this position's roles and responsibilities are in this doc.)

Race Supervisor
Volunteer Credit: Full Season

On the morning of the race, the Race Supervisor answers any questions that racers have and they monitor registration. They generate print start lists and registration info on the morning of the race. On race day they monitor the administration of the race to make sure everything is going smoothly and assists with timing as needed. At the end of the race day or race weekend, they collect the results and paperwork and prepares the results for the awards. After the race weekend they verify the results and post them on the CMAC website, and submit them to U.S. Ski & Snowboard. The paperwork is assembled and the packet is submitted electronically to PNSA. Refunds are issued to racers as needed. TD is paid. (More details of this position's roles and responsibilities are in this doc.)

Race Secretary
Volunteer Credit: Full Day
The race secretary is not a licensed position, however, familiarity with race management software is necessary.  The race secretary needs to fill out the Report By Referee form for the Referee, enter the DSQ in the race management software, prepare and print the second run start list, print and gather signatures for all of the U.S. Ski & Snowboard race forms and prepare the results for the Race Supervisor.
Award Coordinator
Volunteer Credit: Full Season

Receive all medals for season.  Verify that all medals are sorted and accounted for (5 races total).  If any missing medals/plates, contact the Director of Advancement (  Responsibilities include that on final day of each race (5 total) ensure that the awards process is run smoothly. Detailed responsibilities are listed here.

    2. Race Organizing Committee

    Many of these positions require a current certification by the U.S. Ski & Snowboard . Check whether you have done training or a refresher course in the last two years at To obtain U.S. Ski & Snowboard certification, attend training which is help each October by PNSA in the Seattle area. U.S. Ski & Snowboard membership as an official is required. Watch the CMAC calendar or the calendar at  Study guides for certification can be found here

    CMAC offers a day of volunteer credit for members who take training for one of these positions and then both 
    1. obtains a U.S. Ski & Snowboard membership as an official, and
    2. works at least one race day as an official during the season. 

    To view a list of certified officials, log in to, under Tools select "Officials Certifications Viewer", then choose "Alpine", select the "Pacific Northwest" division and click Submit to view the list of officials. Click the small Excel icon in the top right of the list to download. Note that active officials are required to have had their "Last clinic season" (refresher course) within two years of the current winter year. (E.g. for the 2016-2017 season, the last clinic season must be 2015 or later.)

    Note that you might hear U.S. Ski & Snowboard (USSS) referred to by its older acronym USSA. It's the same organization - just a new official name. 

    Technical Delegate

    This position is assigned by U.S. Ski & Snowboard and is not filled by a member of the hosting club.  The primary duties of the Technical Delegate (TD) are to make certain that the rules and directions of U.S. Ski & Snowboard are adhered to, to see that the event runs smoothly, to advise the organizers within the scope of their duties and to be the official representative of U.S. Ski & Snowboard.  The TD must hold a valid TD license, must be present in the course area during the race and has other responsibilities before, during and after the race.

    Race Referee

    USSS certification required
    Volunteer Credit: Full Day

    The Race Referee must have current Referee (RF) certification by U.S. Ski & Snowboard. The referee is appointed by the TS and work very closely with the TD, the Race Referee is responsible for drawing the start numbers, inspecting the course immediately after it is set, changing the course by taking out or adding gates as necessary, receiving the reports of the start and finish referees and the race officials about the infractions of the rules and the gate faults at the end of the first run and again at the end of the race, checking, signing and posting the Referee's minutes immediately after each run on the official notice-board and also at the finish hut and sending a report to U.S. Ski & Snowboard in all special cases or in the event of a difference of opinion among the Jury members or in the case of severe injury to a competitor.

    Chief of Race
    USSS certification required

    Volunteer Credit: Full Day

    The Chief of Race must have current Chief of Race (CR), Referee (RF) or Technical Delegate (TD) certification by U.S. Ski & Snowboard. The Chief of Race directs all preparations of the competition and supervises the activities in the technical area.  He/she summons meetings for consideration of technical questions and leads the team captains' meeting after consultation with the TD.

    Chief of Course
    USSS certification required

    Volunteer Credit: Full Day

    The Chief of Course must have current Chief of Course (CC), Chief of Race (CR), Referee (RF) or Technical Delegate (TD) certification by U.S. Ski & Snowboard. The Chief of Course (CC) is responsible for the preparation of courses in accordance with the directives and decisions of the Jury, and must be familiar with local snow conditions on the terrain concerned. Learn more in the CC Study Guide

    Start Referee

    USSS certification required

    Volunteer Credit: Full Day

    The Start Referee must have current certification by U.S. Ski & Snowboard of a Jury Advisor (JA) or Referee (RF) level for scored races (e.g. U14/U16/U19 races), and at least a Competition Official (CO) for non-scored races (e.g. U8/U10/U12 and masters races). The start referee is essentially in charge of running the race once it is cleared to start by the jury., The start referee must remain at the start throughout the training and the race and make certain that the regulations for the start and the start organization are properly observed. He/she determines late and false starts and reports the names of the competitors who did not start, have made false or late starts or other infringements and reports the violations against the rules for equipment.

    Finish Referee

    USSS certification required

    Volunteer Credit: Full Day

    The Finish Referee must have current certification by U.S. Ski & Snowboard  of a Jury Advisor (JA) or Referee (RF) level for scored races (e.g. U14/U16/U19 races), and at least a Competition Official (CO) for non-scored races (e.g. U8/U10/U12 and masters races). The finish Referee must remain at the finish throughout the training and the race and make sure that the regulations for the organization of the finish are the finish in-run and out-run are properly observed.  He/she supervises the finish controller, the timing and the crowd control in the finish area and must be able to communicate immediately with the start at all times.

    Chief Gate Judge

    USSS certification preferred but not required
    Volunteer Credit: Full Day

    Occasionally we will also need an Assistant Chief Gate Judge.

    The Chief Gate Judge should have current certification by U.S. Ski & Snowboard of a least a Competition Official (CO), but it not a requirement. The Chief Gate Judge organizes and supervises the work of the gate judges beginning with the gate judge meeting before the race and ensuring all information is accurate on gate judge cards at the conclusion of the race.  The Chief Gate Judge must distribute to each gate judge the material needed(control card, pencil, start list, etc.) and be prepared to offer assistance to help keep the spectators off the course or to help maintain the course, etc.    He/she designates the gates each gate judge will supervise and places the gate judges in position after describing their job to them.  He/She must make certain that the numbering and marking of the gates are done within the required time.   At the end of each run, he/she will collect the gate judges' control card for delivery to the Referee. At the end of the day, the Chief Gate Judge will deliver the buckets back to the CMAC shack, unpack them and prepare them for the next race day. 

    Chief of Timing and Calculations

    USSS certification required

    Volunteer Credit: Full Day

    The Chief of Timing and Calculations must have current Chief of Timing and Calculations (TC) certification by U.S. Ski & Snowboard.  This position is responsible for the coordination of officials at the start and finish, including timing and calculations, and determination of intervals between starts.  This position is located in the finish shack.

    3. Special Events and Programs

    Sallie McNabb BBQ

    Volunteer Credits:  
      Coordinator: Full Day
      BBQ Volunteer: 1/2 Day

    Coordinator is responsible for Coordinating the BBQ.  Volunteers will work with the coordinator to setup, run BBQ and Clean up.

    CMAC Banquet Coordinator

    Volunteer Credit: Two Days

    A CMAC Banquet Coordinator will be designated by the CMAC Board.  This position will work with the Coordinator to ensure a smooth running banquet. Receipts for your purchases are submitted to the CMAC treasurer for reimbursements along with an filled out Volunteer expense report.

    CMAC Banquet Helper

    Volunteer Credit: Full Day

    Provide support on the day of the banquet (registration, drinks distribution, etc.) under the direction of the Banquet Coordinator. 
    CMAC Race Program BBQ Host 

    Volunteer Credit: Full Day

    A CMAC Race Program BBQ Host will offer to coordinate an event to have all race program participants and their families get together to prepare for the next race season.  This event is typically held in early fall during or shortly after registration begins/ends.

    CMAC Store Coordinator

    Volunteer Credit: Full Season 

    The CMAC Store provides team members and their families access to CMAC branded merchandise and serves as a small fundraising opportunity for the club.  The Store Coordinator organizes and distributes items purchased by families, either mailing them or arranging pick up of the items. They will also periodically sell small items (ski straps, stickers, hats) in the lunch room and at race registration. 

    CMAC Team Clothes Distribution
    Volunteer Credit: Full Season
    Each spring CMAC takes orders for team jackets, pants, rain shells, etc. These orders arrive in the fall. This position has the responsibility of sorting and distributing all of these orders. It is expected that two volunteers will collaborate on this. 
    Lodging Coordinator
    Volunteer Credit: Full Season
    The Lodging Coordinator secures discounted hotel reservation blocks for all away-races the CMAC race teams (Mighty Mite through FIS) will attend. 

    4. Parent Representatives

    Mighty Mite Race Program Parent Representative

    Volunteer Credit: 4 Days (full season)

    This job is a full season responsibility and includes the following: 

    1. Attend and assist with pre-season meetings including the New Parent's meeting and program picnic
    2. Be available at the CMAC shack before and after for the first two days of training
    3. Be available at registration for the Mighty Mite races
    4. Write brief race reports and provide these to the social media team for posting. 
    5. Attend socials and CMAC end of season banquet
    6. Coordinate parent communications and organize away race dinners as needed
    7. Communicate with the Program head Coach regarding parent questions/concerns.
    8. Arrange group reservations for away races. 

    Junior/FIS Parent Representatives
    (U14, U16 and U18)

    Volunteer Credit: 4 Days (full season)

    This job is a full season responsibility and includes the following: 

    1. Attend and assist with pre-season meetings
    2. Attend fitness testing
    3. Available at CMAC shack before the first 2 days of training
    4. Be available at registration for the home Junior races 
    5. Write brief race reports and provide these to the social media team for posting. 
    6. Attend Social and CMAC end of season banquet
    7. Coordinate parent communications and organize away race dinners as needed
    8. Communicate with the Program head Coach regarding parent questions/concerns.
    9. Arrange group reservations for away races. 

    5. Volunteer Training

    Referee or other training to become licensed

    Volunteer Credit: Full Day

    Every year PNSA offers training to become licensed in a variety of positions that require a U.S. Ski & Snowboard  license, namely Race Administrator, Chief of Race, Chief of Timing and Calculations, Start or Finish Referee. Any individual who takes the day-long training and then performs a licensed function will be credited with 1 full day of volunteer credit. Check the CMAC calendar or the PNSA calendar for the next training date. These usually happen in mid-October. (Note that this credit does not apply to members who only attend to take the update required every two years.)  

    Note: to get this credit applied, email the volunteer coordinator at with the specific U.S. Ski & Snowboard position for which you have successfully become licensed. 

    Course Maintenance, Head Gatekeeping, Timing, Starter or other on hill position Training

    Volunteer Credit: Full Day

    At the beginning of every season CMAC will offer key on-hill race volunteer position training.  Anyone who completes this training and then performs that duty at a race will be credited with an extra ½ day of volunteer credit.

    6. Board of Directors

    Member of the Board

    USSS membership required

    Volunteer Credit: none

    This volunteer position is one where you become a member of our board.  The board meets monthly and all members manage at least one working group or project. Learn more about board participation and expectations here. You will need to be an active participant in all board activities. Board members are required to have a membership with US Ski and Snowboard, and complete all required training. While this is a major time commitment to serve on the CMAC board, there is no volunteer credit given for this.

    Fyi: link to a great set of position descriptions can be found at

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