Rust Study

06 May 2012 7:43 PM | Deleted user
This is an on-going project as I seek to find the best rust preventatives.

6/03/12 update:
One of my old K2s is being recycled into Research Duty. I am leaving it outside in the weather  with the following edge treatments:

1.) untreated (as a control)
2.) Hard Wax (rubbed on)
3.) Liquid Teflon
4.) Liquid Teflon topped with hard wax
5.) Dupont Silicone/Teflon spray
6.) Dupont Teflon spray
7.) Piloil Silicone spray
8-10.) 5-8 + wax
11.) Paste wax
12.) liquid wax

6/11/12 update:
After 1 week of sitting outside in the weather, here are the results:

Worst (not surprisingly): Untreated:

Paste wax worked a bit better:

Tied for first with no visible rust are the two Dupont sprays:

Teflon sprayed onto paper towel then wiped onto edge:

Teflon + Silicone Sprayed onto paper towel then wiped onto edge:

I will probably attempt Phase II allowing them to rust all Summer... just for curiosity.

Good, hard wax rubbed into the edge is an amazingly effective rust preventative. I have been waxing edges FOREVER- so I assumed there must be better techniques/materials by now, but all the alternatives I have tried are either worse or only marginally better. When in doubt, dry your edges well, then rub a fairly hard wax onto the edge. Without buying anything new for your kit, you will make a big difference in the quality of your edges.
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