The CMAC Speed Pool needs YOU! You know who you are: your kids are quitting/retiring and you have an overly full garage. Or your kids are growing and you don't need all those Junior Skis anymore. Or you quit racing yourself but still LOVE CMAC and want to see the Club get stronger.
We need a few good pairs of FIS legal skis (200-218cm 40-50 meter) and a few young junior skis (172-190 25+meter) With quality bindings on them. Non-FIS skis 185-200 cm are still useful too. If you have some you don't need, please talk to me.
Hey- I'm willing to sort, repair, tune, wax and STORE the skis, you can AT LEAST give a pair or 2 right? The pool has 13 pairs now, I would like it to be at 30 pairs by next season. I am designing ski storage for 32 pairs Right Now, and I will have the storage ready by the banquet. (I have also donated 4 pairs)
Wouldn't you like your racers to have access to Quality Speed Skis serviced by an expert? This is YOUR Chance to help your family AND the club.